Volume 6, Fall
We’re thrilled to announce the Fall issue of Volume 6. We’re lucky to have some old friends back and grateful to have made a few new ones. In other news, in September, AQP released a collection of poems by Barbara Hill titled “A Few Sharp & Glamorous Words.” It’s available in the AQ Store, on Amazon, or at barnesandnoble.com. Our cover image this month is the author reading from her collection at the Savoy in Westerly, Rhode Island.
Regarding all things AQ, we’re making a few changes this year and we hope you’ll be patient with us as we move into this new phase. We’re beginning to publish more chapbooks and other projects (more news soon!) and we’d like to become a paying market, meaning, we’d like to be able to pay writers and artists for the work that appears in AQ. This may mean that our Volume 5 print edition (which is running a little late but will be coming out in the next month) will be our last annual for awhile. We may do some version of an anthology, but the annuals have become more of an expense than we feel is sustainable. Unfortunately, sales of the annuals are pretty sparse. If we put a hold on them for awhile, we’d have a budget to pay for work and ultimately that’s the model we strive for. We’ll still publish our 4 issues online and keep an archive of all work that appears in AQ, as we have always done.
We have a new contest call for November! See it here.